Objectives: at the end of the semester, the students should be able to comprehend and answer the following Questions:
1. define toxicology
2. classification of poisons, define each.
3. three kinds of antidote,explain each.
4. evidences of poisoning, explain briefly.
5. steps in the general treatment of poisoning
6. how can a poison be considered a poison
7. what portion of human organ should be collected for toxicologial analysis and how would you keep the simple reference for safeguarding for the result of detection?
8. discuss the localization and elimination of poisons
9. what is a poison?
10. differentiate between toxicological analysis and chemical analysis
11. state the principal duties of the pharmacist when they perform toxicological analysis and what shall be the probable question that might be asked?
12. how many ways maybe a poison be taken in the body?
13. what should be done in poisoning when the nature of the poison is unknown?
14. in what kind of poisoning should emetic be given?
15. give the general course for the treatment in case of poisoning:
16. give the properties, symptoms and treatment of the following:
a. phosphorus
b. picrotoxin
c. phenacetin
d. salol
e. strychnine
f. picric acid
17. give the quantitative composition of the millon’s reagent
18. describe the delicate test for carbolic acid and how would you detect phenols in the presence of urine.
19. in what kind of poisoning should the following be avoided?
a. emetics
b. fats and oils
c. milk
20.define alkaloids and name the toxic animals tissues that resembles them.
21.alkaloids of the following types:
a. properties and composition
b. occurrence
22. alkaloids and its derivatives and examples of each
23. a girl is suspected for taking an overdose of phenacetin, how would you test the presence of it.
24. poisoning by what drugs or chemicals would be indicated by the following:
25. describe the following test
a. copper test for mercury
b. Prussian blue test
26. give the official name and synonyms of the metallic poison, their medicinal use, toxic effect, derivatives and it’s salt:
a. arsenic trioxide
b. solution of potassium arsenide
c.antimony potassium tartrate
d. chromium trioxide
e. zinc and its salts
f. bismuth and its compounds
g. barium and its compounds
h. mercury and its compounds
i. lead and its compounds
j. copper and its compounds
k. iron and its salts
l. silver and its salts
m. iodine and its salts
n. bromide and its salts
27. what are the ptomaines and give its toxicological properties. What precaution should be taken in investigation?
28. if a medical practitioner prescribe a poison, what is the obligation of the pharmacist?
29. give two identification test for blood
30. give two antidote for mineral acid poisoning
31. name a poison acting directly upon the stomach and give the treatment.
32. name many household poisons
33.should oil be used in phosphorus poisoning? What is the treatment?
34. name a poison which uniformly causes blindness or permanent blindness
35. what does the law required the pharmacist when getting the carbolic acid?
36. what is meant by circumstantial, symptomatic, chemical and post mortem evidence? What is reliable?
37. should water be used in poisoning by an acid or by oil of vitriol?
38.what signs and symptoms would indicate poisoning of sulfuric acid?
39. state what emergency treatment should be employed and explain regarding the use of emetics, sodium bicarbonate and much water?
40. when is artificial respiratory perform?
41. what are the different signs portrait by death?
42.describe the condition of the stomach if large quantities of undiluted carbolic acid has been swallowed? Is the corrosion superficial or deep?
43. explain briefly the relevance of studying clinical toxicology and how can you contribute to the public?
44. comments/ suggestions to the teacher handling the subject, school in general.
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