Graduate School
Doctor of Philosophy
Facilitator: Bienvenido L. Gregorio, Ph. D.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a 3-unit course in advanced research that entails comprehensive discussion from basic to advanced topics consisting of descriptive and in-depth quantitative and qualitative research methodology leading to the formulation of actual research proposals that have social implications on education in general and school in particular.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: The primary intention of the course is the advancement of educational research competence and capability of student-researchers where basic research concepts and knowledge is complimented by advanced trends in research that characterize researches in foreign universities and to avoid strict adherence to form and rudiments that impugns on research substance.
In particular, the course aims to:
1. Introduce student-researchers to advanced concepts in research that put emphasis on research objectives, methodology, and findings that have actual significance to social realities.
2. Present concepts in quantitative and qualitative research methodology and the conditions where each compliments each other to generate in-depth findings.
3. Present research proposals based on existing need and real problem areas where discovery of facts leads to heightened consciousness and understanding where findings become inputs to policy-making.
4. Acquiesce student-researchers with the culture of research that serves as one of the primary sources of knowledge for classroom use.
5. Prepare student-researchers with the basic tools to construct research proposals for academic exercise as in completion of dissertation report.
COURSE REQUIREMENT: Student-researchers are to observe the following the following criteria for a semester’s grade, namely:
1. 2/3s of the semester grade must be composed by submitting at least one research work in its complete form.
2. 1/3 of the semester grade must be composed by completing the research problem or objectives, significance and methodology (Research Proposal).
3. Additional related assignments leading to the completion of both requirements mentioned in # 1 and 2.
BASIC ACTIVITIES: Class instruction is mainly facilitated by:
1. Direct Class Contact- facilitating lectures and participatory discussion (composing about 1/3 of the classroom activities).
2. Workshop Proper- facilitating actual writing and presentation of research by part (composing about 2/3s of the classroom activities):
a. Individual Presentation of Report- facilitating discussion of individual research reports (Concept Paper & Proposal)
b. Panel Presentation of Report- facilitating discussion of complete research report (Full-blown Report)
COURSE CONTENT (Suggestive): The subject matter is inclusive of other relevant topics that may help facilitate discussion and understanding:
1. Basic Research Concepts Review- includes basic concepts in research in their elemental form, such as but not limited to:
a. Research Definition
b. Kinds or Types of Research
c. Quantitative & Qualitative Research
d. Pure Qualitative Research (AR, PAR, COPAR)
e. Assumptions and Hypotheses
f. Emergence of Research Problems & Problem Identification
g. Thesis and Dissertation: Concentration & Focus
h. Variables Relationships (Bivariate/Multivariate)
i. Ordinal and Nominal Variables
2. Main Topic Presentation- includes advanced discussion of the following:
a. Introduction
Writing the Research Background
Formulation of the Research Problems & Objectives
Writing the Theoretical Framework
Writing the Conceptual Framework
Illustrating the Conceptual Paradigm/Flow Chart
Structuring the Significance of the Study
Scope & Delimitation (Limitation) Construction
Defining Variables & Terms
b. Review of Related Literature & Studies
Citing the Literature
Citing the Studies
Use of ISI Articles in Citation
APA Citation Format (Footnoting & Reference)
c. Methodology
Determining Research Design (Quantitative/Qualitative)
Choice of Research Respondents/Key Informants
Sampling Design
Research Locale/Location/Area
Research Instruments (Quantitative/Qualitative)
Validation of Researcher-made Instruments
Statistical Tool (Quantitative Research Only)
Treatment of Data (Quantitative/Qualitative)
Procedure on Data Gathering
d. Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Data
Manner of Data Presentation
Manner of Interpretation
Manner of Analysis
Sequence of the Chapter
Citation of Review of Literature & Studies
e. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation
Summary (Abstract Writing)
How to Write Conclusion/Generalization
Recommendations (Project/Policy)
f. Research Refereeing, Utilization, and Publication
Refereeing (Peer Review System)
Utilization (Oral/Poster Presentation to Stakeholders)
Publication (Refereed & ISI Certified Journals)
3. Presentation of Full-blown Research Report
a. Chapter I (Introduction)
b. Chapter II (Review of Related Literature & Studies)
c. Chapter III (Research Methodology)
d. Chapter IV (Presentation, Interpretation, & Analysis)
e. Chapter V (Summary, Conclusion, & Recommendation)
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