1. Tame the monster. There’s less to be fearful of than you think. Look at the exam in the context of your life. Is it the end of the world if you don’t score as high as you want? Just as long as you do your best, you have something to feel good about.
2. Visualize. Shut your eyes and imagine your teacher passing out the test and you know all the answers. You move through the test calmly, and when you get it back, you’ve got an A.
3. Chill. Slow down your mind and body. Try learning yoga or this exercise : inhale through your nose to the count of 10. exhale through your mouth to the count of 10.
4. Focus. Enter into a private world where it’s just and the test. There’s no teacher, tickling clock, students. Don’t let outside stuff distract your concentration.
5. Breathe. Rapid and shallow breathing causes the release of adrenaline, which can make you stressed. Deep breathing, which is slow and relaxed, triggers the release of endorphins, which stop you from feeling anxious.
6. Get a head start. Here’s a tip to stop you from freezing up on the test. When you get the exam paper, before looking at it, quickly write down all the key facts, dates and formulas you know at the back if necessary. Then start the test.
7. Laugh. humor helps reduce stress, it breaks the tension… which
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