Wednesday, September 23, 2009



1. Start in class. Good study habits begin in class itself. Listen ( to the teacher, not your friend at the next desk or beside you!) and take lots of notes.
2. Quit cramming. Pulling an all- nighter right before a test, or writing a paper the day before it’s due are loser moves. After a night of no sleep and too much information, it’s amazing if you make it to school the next day.
3. Study in stages. Studying a little bit each day is the best way to retain information. Set aside a certain amount of time in your schedule and try to stick to it. Let your friend/ boyfriend /best friend forever knows when you’re studying and tell them not to call.
4. Unfrazzle first. Don’t start studying the second you get home from school. You need time to rest before you start working again. Take some time to stretch, exercise, grab a snack or talk on the phone.
5. Get in the right space. Where you study is important. Make sure it’s a well-lit quiet area where you have privacy. Sometimes white noise, like a fan or air conditioner, can cover distracting sounds and help you concentrate. If you can’t study at home, consider the library, but not the one at your school because you might run into a bunch of friends who’d rather chat.
6. Take breaks. “if you’re tired and just going through the motions, you’re wasting time” try the “50/10” METHOD: STUDY FOR 50 MINUTES, THEN Take a 10 minute break. “ by studying in blocks, you’ll have time to digest the material you’ve just studied before moving on. ”
7. Get tough first. Study the most difficult (or boring) things first while you still have a lot of energy. Save the easy things, or subjects you enjoy most, for last.
8. Always question. While studying, write down questions as you think of them. Wait until later and you’ll forget them!. Some of the questions you can answer yourself through studying, others you should bring to your teacher.

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